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  • Gurudevar
  • Gurudevar

    Introduction to Gurudevar

    “… I am the Arulaatchi Naayagam getting ready to wage a direct war against the human race which has been continuously suppressing the world’s foremost and Ancient Human Race through a lot of cunningness…” - From Gurudevar’s writings. Gurudevar has come as the 12th Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi in the long history of this earth spanning over 500 crores of years. After Him, till the end of this earth another 36 Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathis would come to establish the Divine Rule on this earth.


    Invitation to Divine Rule

    “The Uprise of Indhu Religion is the India's Empowerment!” “India's Empowerment is the True welfare of the entire mankind!” Lakhs of years back! before many of the today’s continents came into existence! before the north India and North Himalayas came into existence! before mankind living along with the animal world acquired civilization and culture! the Indhu Religion was founded for Maneesars (mankind living like animals) by Pathinensiddhars and Pathinettampadi Karuppus with 48 types of Siddhars after much research in the Kumari Continent (Lemuria Continent).


    Divine Services Forum

    Indhu Renaissance Movement A Cultural Organization Founded: 1772 AD The Aims of Divine Services Forum The social philosophy founded by the Pathinen Siddhars is the Siddharism and known as Indhu Religion. The main purpose is to remove, by giving training, the wild imaginations, blind faiths, follies…. that have come into this Indhu Religion. The Siddharism is the Mother of all the Religions in this World. So, another main purpose is to teach everyone the really practical worshipping methods through one’s own religion.


    World Religious Research Society

    Thiru M N Roy (1887 - 1954) - the father of Rationalistic Thought and the Founder of Radical Democratic Party - was bold enough to assert that his biography, if written would turn out to be a biography of the World History, because he had a close and direct touch with international political affairs. Yet such a great and eminent politician and political thinker came to the conclusion that mere political change in government would not and could not contribute to the permanent peace, unity and happiness of the world.


    Siddha Medical Field

    The Siddhars' Medical field that exists in Tamil removes the defects and deficiencies in the Human body and gives a complete satisfaction. In the same way, Siddhars' Philosophies remove the defects and deficiencies in the Human Social setup and Activities in order to give the entire Society pleasure and satisfaction. So, in old days the one who practised Siddhars' Medicine invariably had great involvement in Siddhars' Philosophies. The achievements of Siddhars should be made known to the entire world.


    Indhuism is NOT a Religion

    The Induism is not a religion. It is a Social Philosophy or Principle. It is for the welfare of all the human beings on this earth. The Siddhars are the protectors of the Human Welfare and Rights. The Induism is also known as Siddharism, the Siddha Principle, Saivism or simply Humanism. The Siddha Philosophy will uplift all flora and fauna i.e. all the plant life, animal life and the human life.


    One-God Theory is False

    The Indhu religion does not have a single god as imaginary boss or imaginary dictator or imaginary supremo or imaginary goodwill-sin trader. The Indhu religion is not a religion based on mere faith. It is a philosophy that regulates the life discipline. The Siddhars have formed the siddha philosophy (indhu religion) by compiling a lot of philosophical ideas, theological methods, verses, action plans which were created by holifying or sanctifying the human feelings, human powers, human capabilities, human enthusiasms, human desires, etc.


    Forty-eight Divine Commandments

    Human birth is holier than all other births. To take human birth the soul has to perform multitudes of penances. Human birth does not take place due to sin. It is possible to understand the Divinity thoroughly in human birth only. The Divine Atoms function continuously to create human beings having divine power. Through that the entire humanity is continually getting purified and uplifted. The shape of these atoms is Ilingam (linga is a misnomer).


    Religion vs Science - Part 1

    Religion is the one that gives the feelings of peace, satisfaction, contentment, enjoyment and happiness to the human mind. Whereas the Science gives enjoyment, happiness, satisfaction and peacefulness to the human body. Without religion human beings cannot even live. But without science human beings can survive. All the pleasures created by science can alone not give peace or satisfaction or happiness to man. When a person lies down in a cozy bed inside an air-conditioned room he cannot get sleep if the mind is not at peace.


    Religion vs Science - Part 2

    A few questions from Science and the answers given by Religion to those questions are given below: Q1: Science: “Religion talks only about things that are not visible at all.” A1: Religion: “Electricity and magnetism are not also visible.” Q2: Science: “The benefits of electricity and magnetic forces are experienced and understood by people.” A2: Religion: “The divine forces explained by religion are also experienced by people.” Q3: Science: “Why all could not experience the forces of religion?


    Key Headings