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  • True Indhuism

    Who is God?

    The Divine Philosophy of the True Indhuism. (1) As far as divine world is concerned, saying that only one god exists is a very wrong imagination of man. This is a very strange and absurd desire of man. (2) Believing and thinking that God knows all languages is a very great mistake of man. Man alone becomes god due to his achievements in that birth. The man-turned-god knows only the language that he spoke during that last birth.


    Great Facts of Indhu Religion

    Indhu Religion in its simplest sense is the ‘Worship of Fore-fathers’. The idols of Indhu Religion are the reflection of the Divinators who lived in the past. Many hands, heads and queer forms of Idols are symbolic representation of the capabilities of the respective Divinators. (For example, sixteen hands with different weapons informs that the Divinator had the mastery over that many weapon-based arts during his life-time.


    Indhu Religion

    Which is Indhu Religion? After a gap of many centuries now only the time has come to explain about the India’s original religion which is Siddha Philosophy. The foreigners today know that the religion of India is Induism. But the original religion of India lost its fervour and power because of the Brahmins who came from foreign land to India. These Brahmins who were foreigners to India had mixed their religious customs and traditions into the rational religion of Siddhars.



    Indhu Renaissance Movement Declaration of Uprise of formation of Divine Rule Divine Rule can be formed only by the True Indhu Religion given by the Pathinensiddhars in divine Tamil Language in 43,73.101 BCE. This Indhu Religion is the mother of all religions of this earth. The Divine Temples and Divinators emerged as the children of this Indhu Religion only. That is why through this Indhu Religion efforts have been started to bring forth unity, peace, contentment, friendship, equality, co-operation, … in human life by unifying all the religions of this world without any differences.


    Chronology of Indhuism

    Chronology as given in Indhu Religion (1) I am a student of Indhu Vedha aagama Padasala and I am learning Anaathi Sivan’s Manu Neethi books and Indhu Religious books. I am getting trained as Siddhar Naanmaraiyudaiyaar. I wish you all a very good day. (2) I am going to speak on the Chronology as given by Indhu Religion. In order to understand this, we have to know in general about how chronology is in place now.


    Jesus Christ

    Historical notes on Jesus the Christ as given in Gurupaarampariyam (On Jesus the Christ - by Siddhars) Pathinensiddhars alone have given in a clear-cut chronological order the Religious History, the Political History and the History of Language & Literature of this entire World. They have named the Religious History as “Guru Paarampariyam”, the Political History as “Arasa Paarampariyam”, the History of Language & Literature as “Ilakkiya Paaampariyam”. They have explained in a clear manner that the worldly life or human life or the society’s structure would get defined fully by the three-sided triangle having its sides as 1.


    India's Religion is Indhuism

    Explanatory Ideas by Siddhar Kaakapusundar Mr. M.Palanisamy Pillai. The 2nd hereditary Head of Indhu Renaissance Movement, the co-founder of the International Communist Party (the other founder was the rationalistic thinker Mr M.N.Roy; they founded the International Communist Party much before the Revolution in Russia; the party was founded to put Marxism into practice), one of the resource persons of the Radical Democratic Party of Indian subcontinent. Mr M.Palanisamy Pillai has written a compilation of essays as introduction and foreword to the Siddhar Ramayanam.


    Ten Commandments of Induism

    All the World Divinators! Unite! Work in co-ordination with each other! All the World Religious Heads and Leaders! Unite! Work in co-ordination with each other! All the World Religious Persons! Unite! Work in co-ordination with each other! All the World Pious Persons! Theists! Read and Respect the Religious History and Religious Literature. All the World Priests! Study your respective Religious Gospels thoroughly to become a source of Divinity yourselves.


    True Indhuism Philosophy

    There is no use of worshiping god of one country by the people living in other countries; Similarly worshiping a god of one language by people speaking other languages is of no use at all; Worshiping a god of one race by people belonging to other races is also of no use. Using the phonemes of Tamil language all the world languages could be spoken, but using any other world language, Tamil could not be spoken.


    Utility of Divinity

    Use of Divinity in Everyday Life Why Divinity? During 20th and 21st Centuries, mankind has discovered many utilities like Electricity, Magnetism, Petroleum, … and invented many many equipment for Transportation, Communication, Information Management, Physical Pleasures, … etc. All these satisfy the requirements of the mankind to provide external facilities and improvements in life. But, none of these answer the questions like ‘What happens to any living being after death?’, ‘How can man understand the undecipherable mysteries of his life?


    Key Headings