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  • History of Siddhars - Part 1

    History of Siddhars - Part 1

    1. The Siddha Philosophy is the Divine Science contributed by the Eighteen Siddhars (Pathinen Siddhars). The Divine Science acquired a lot of additions from various sources and became the Indhu Religion of today. So, the information about the Siddha Philosophy would introduce the Eighteen Siddhars. And this would in turn introduce the Indhu Renaissance Movement (IMI) of today.

    2. Indhu Renaissance Movement (IMI) was formed in the year 1772. Even after two centuries of activities, the IMI’s aims and policies did not succeed to the expected extent. This essay attempts to establish IMI with its historical background alongwith the Siddhars' Sciences and Literature.

    3. The Eighteen Siddhars were from the other celestial planets which have been in existence even before the creation of this galaxy containing Solar System. That is why these Eighteen Siddhars have given a detailed account of the history of 500 crores of years of this hemisphere right from its creation.

    Due to the phenomenal efforts of these Eighteen Siddhars the Individual Life, Family Life, Social Life and Political Life … and so on have found a splendid growth on this earth. But today all the above-said lives have got damaged heavily. The contributions of the Eighteen Siddhars are now introduced again in order to repair the severe damages caused to the Individual life, Family life, Social life and Political life on this earth.

    1. Volumes have been written about the Eighteen Siddhars on historical basis. This essay aims to provide a short account of the Eighteen Siddhars who have successfully surpassed themselves in miracle-playing. Human beings are the chief of all the living beings (animals and plants) on this earth. There is a Tamil word coined for the human beings as ‘Manneesar" (மணீசர்) meaning Manne + Eesar (Manne = earth; Eesar = Chief).

    The Eighteen Siddhars had marital relationships with the human beings of this earth and produced their heirs. They were named as Navakodi Siddhars, Navanaatha Siddhars, Gnaana Siddhars, Thava Siddhars, Oama Siddhars, Oaga Siddhars, Yaaga Siddhars, Yagna Siddhars, … and so on upto 48 types of Siddhars. Apart from these 48 types of heirs to the Eighteen Siddhars, they also produced a wide variety of different types of Disciples.

    1. On the basis of these Siddhars, 64 arts, 48 Divine Arts, 9 Mystical Arts, … … 9 destructive arts, …. and numerous types of methods, prayer verses, prayer procedures, … have been created. In order to practise and execute these arts and procedures; 108 Thiruppathis, 243 Sathi Peedams, 1008 Seevaalayams have been put in place. In the course of time, apart from the above-said 1359 worshipping places, 48 distinct different types of worshipping places have come up.

    2. These 48 types of temples have got expanded to more than a hundred types of worshipping places owing to the births of Divinators from time immemorial. These divinators have also written down their Divine experiences depending on their individual efforts, achievements and maturities. These experiences written down on definite media have become the Religious Literature. Only in Indhu Religion, we can find about all these stages of continuous and streamlined growth. That is why all the world religions can be understood or analyzed on the basis of the Indhu Religion.

    3. In fact, the philosophies, worshipping procedures and Temples founded all over the world by the Eighteen Siddhars have in turn provided the base for the birth of World Religions depending on necessities and circumstances of the respective countries. So, by explaining the Siddha Philosophy, the unification of the World religions, Spiritual Unity, Formation of a world having equality, brotherhood and Socialist society … can all be achieved. Through that also the policies and aims of the IMI will get fulfilled.

    4. Through this, all the peoples of this world will experience an ever-lasting peace, empathy, attachment, friendliness, enjoyable relationships … in their respective Individual Life, Family Life, Social Life and Political Life, etc. Hence the introduction to the Siddha Philosophy is given in a nutshell in this essay with a historical background.

    Translation of the Book titled “History of Siddhars and Indhu Renaissance Movement."
    Author: Gnaalaguru Siddhar Arasayogi Karuwooraar, the 12th Pathinen Sitthar Peedam
    Year of Publishing: 1982

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