Using the phonemes of Tamil language all the world languages could be spoken, but using any other world language, Tamil could not be spoken. Every language has the power to impart siddhis or divine achievements to the people speaking that language. But that power is very less compared to the Tamil Language.
Yet, all over the world numerous people have reached the level of gods using their respective mother tongues. That is why, people speaking a particular language should worship the gods of their traditions and not others to get real benefits of worships. This is what the True Indhuism of PathinenSiddhars preach and teach.
This means, nobody would try to destroy any religion; or nobody would try to spread his or her own religion in another country. At the sametime, people would spread only the facts useful for the entire mankind found out by the gods, christs, nabis, saints, philosophers… of the whole world. And they would spread these facts in a gentle and peaceful manner without trying to forcibly convert others to their religions.
This would truly bring about independence of all races, languages, countries and world peace, brotherhood … etc in the entire world. This is the philosophy of the True Indhuism.