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    Jesus Christ

    Historical notes on Jesus the Christ as given in Gurupaarampariyam
    (On Jesus the Christ - by Siddhars)

    Pathinensiddhars alone have given in a clear-cut chronological order the Religious History, the Political History and the History of Language & Literature of this entire World. They have named the Religious History as “Guru Paarampariyam”, the Political History as “Arasa Paarampariyam”, the History of Language & Literature as “Ilakkiya Paaampariyam”. They have explained in a clear manner that the worldly life or human life or the society’s structure would get defined fully by the three-sided triangle having its sides as 1. Religion, 2. Politics, 3. Literature.

    Thus the Guru Paarampariya of Pathinensiddhars alone talks fully and clearly about the history of Jesus the Christ. His Holiness the 11th Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi who was the chief architect of the Thanjavur Big Temple has kept Jesus Christ at a high esteem by calling him in His Guru Paarampariyam as Eesaa, Eswaran, Devakumaran, Disciple of Siddhar, Gnaana Siddhar, Navanaatha Siddhar, Seevanmuthar, … etc.

    Another Guru Paarampariyam Statement goes thus: “Eesaa (Jesus) who tried to form Divine Rule in the entire world using Miracles, unbelievable actions, wonders, …. died, then resurrected and became the leader of all the divinators…” This statement gives good advice to all those who try to form divine rule in this world. That is, if any individual aims to bring about great changes in this world only through his miracle-doing capabilities and divine-benevolences would always get in return oppositions, ridicules, blames and finally death. This is the philosophical explanation given in the Guru Paarampariyam by taking the crucifying of Jesus the Christ as example.

    His Holiness the 10th Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi Siddhar Amaraavathi aatrangarai Karuwooraar went to Isuravel in person and brought the Devakumaran Eesaa to India. His Holiness gave training to him for 18 long years until Eesaa realized his own divine states through the Divine order. After that His Holiness took him back to Isuravel (Israel) and left him there to function as a Divinator. His Holiness gives evidences to the resurrection of Eesaa after crucification; and proving himself as a Devakumaran by showing his divine form to many around the world. There are two or three separate books written about Jesus Christ by His Holiness.

    His Holiness the 10th Pathinensiddhar Peedam has written thus: “… It is true that Eesaa is a Devakumaran only. It is verily true that Eesaa resurrected after death from his grave….” A lot of such information or statements have been given by His Holiness in many of His books.

    His Holiness the 11th Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi also accepts and respects all these information about the Jesus Christ. His Holiness the 11th Peedam also planned to construct two separate shrines for Devakumaran Eesaa and Apostle-of-God Mohammed Nabi in the Big Temple of Thanjavur for which His Holiness was the Chief Architect.

    His Holiness the 11th Pathinenssiddhar Peedaathipathi travelled extensively many times around the world. During His travels, He had visited the grave of Mohammed Nabi at Madeena, the Holy shrine at Mecca and the towns of Palastine where Jesus worked for people. There is a statement in Gurupaarampariyam as “… I roamed in all the towns where Jesus the Christ roamed during his lifetime….” Thus Siddhars always accept and also respect the various Divinators who take birth in whichever part of this world. And these Siddhars always remained as professors of universalness of religion.

    – From the Book: ‘Immortal Services of Siddhar Karuvooraar’ - written by Gnaalakuru Siddhar Arasayoki Karuvooraar, the 12th Pathinensiddhar Peedam.

    The period of His Holiness 10th Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi was clearly calculated to be from 100 BCE to 150 CE. Jesus of Jerusalem was with His Holiness as His disciple from the age 9 to 27 for a period of 18 years. Jesus of Jerusalem was the 47th Devakumaran. He was taught the Sangam Tamil Literature, Thirukkural and other books written by Thiruvalluvar, Thirumoolar and other Navanaatha Siddhars. In a systematic manner Jesus learnt all the Siddhar Literature, Siddhar Kathai, Kaathai, Kavithai and Geethai. Thus the period of Thiruvalluvar must have been before Christian era only.

    The 10th Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi His Holiness Siddhar Amaraavathi aatrangarai Karuwooraar gave clear instructions and orders as a Guru as well as a Divine Teacher to Jesus of Jerusalem. But Jesus did not follow those instructions when he was working as a divinator in his home country Palastine. That is why Jesus got crucified. But due to his status as 47th Devakumaran, Jesus got resurrected. After regaining his body, Jesus came back to Tamilnadu and lived in the Amaraavathi River region near Karur. That is why some of the disciples of Jesus came to India in search of him. They found Jesus living in Tamilnadu and lived with him for many years. One such disciple was Saint Thomas.

    The Guru Paarampariyam clearly notes that the 48th Devakumaran mentioned as ‘The Last Christ’ in the Bible, will take birth only in Tamilnadu and in a Tamil-speaking family. This 47th Devakumaran Jesus Christ was a Seevanmutthan. Jesus Christ spent all his acquired divine powers in performing miracles in order to make people believe the divine power. But this was against the orders of his Guru. That is why, Jesus was to experience blood-shed and remain in sad dead condition for 3 days. This note is from Guru Paarampariyam.

    Reference: From the book titled “History of Tamil Literature” written by His Holiness the 12th Pathinensiddhar Peedaathipathi. This note was found in the context of comparing the period of Thiruvalluvar with the period of Jesus Christ.

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