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  • Adi Shankara - questions

    Adi Shankara - questions

    Do You Know!?

    (1) The Pseudo Hinduism has been formed by covering the True indhuism with a certain colour coating. Theories such as everything, living or non-living, is God; all souls have the same Aanma, … are all comprised to form the Advaita Philosophy. This Advaita theory is just a complete imagination. All these Advaitists go to the temples; conduct prayers by describing the god or goddess from top to bottom or bottom to top; speak about the temple’s history, god’s life history, appearance… etc. How can they be Advaitists?

    (2) As per history, Adisankara instituted only four (4) Mutts in India. Even today, the Four Sankaracharya Madaathipathis don’t accept the Kanchi Mutt Sankarachaarya. They don’t consider this Kanchi Mutt as one among them. This Kanchi Mutt was formed based on a Sankara mutt at Kumbakonam in Tamilnadu. This Kanchi mutt has just a history of 300 years. There is no link between Adisankara and Kanchi Mutt. There are plenty of evidences even with the brahmins themselves.

    (3) The Pseudo Hinduism has declared that Saffron dress and Renounced life alone form a good religious path. In order to defeat this wrong notion, in the 16th century one Agathiyar formed Darmapura Adheenam. He came in the family line of Kaviriyaatrangarai Karuwooraar’s disciple. In this Darmapura Adheenam he declared saffron colour dress and renounced life as the code of conduct. He made his disciple Thirugnanasambandar as the first Madaathipathi and the first Adheenam of this Darmapura Adheenam. But these Mutts and the Madaathipathis did not work to spread the True Indhuism. Instead they stayed inside the mutt itself enjoying the pleasures of wealth and property of the Mutts. They lost touch with the people in the society. Because of such Tamil mutts, the Tamils' Unity and Indhu Religion got damaged further.

    (4) Some centuries back in the period of King Sarfoji of Thanjavur a divinator by name Abirami Battar was living in Thirukkadayur Temple. Through a specific incident this Abirami Battar was compelled to sing ‘Abirami Andhaadhi’ and brought full moon on a New moon night. This history itself informs that Pseudo Hinduism and Sanskrit were totally unnecessary and useless for a divine life.

    (5) A few decades back a film by name ‘Adhiparaasakthi’ was screened in theatres. In that the cheating using Sanskrit was explained in a simple manner. Adiparasakthi was invited to their prayers by a group of Sanskrit priests using Sanskrit verses. At the same time, another group of fishermen were inviting Adiparasakthi to accept their offerings by using Tamil song. Adiparasakthi appears for these fishermen’s prayer in person and give blessings. This story explains that Tamil language has divine power; and not Sanskrit language. But how many people who saw that film understood the fact.

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